Isaiah Church is a new church planted in Madison, Wisconsin during 2021 out of Vine Church in Carbondale, Illinois. A group of people have relocated to Madison and are excited to help start this new church.
We believe that church planting is the most effective way for people to come to know and follow Jesus.
We believe that church planting is the most effective way for people to come to know and follow Jesus.

The name Isaiah means “Yahweh is Salvation,” referring to the Hebrew name for God in the Bible and the freedom and life found in Him. God has accomplished this great salvation through Jesus by sending him to save us from sin, deliver us from darkness, and heal our brokenness.
I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. - Isaiah 49:6
I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth. - Isaiah 49:6
Isaiah exists to make authentic disciples of Jesus that live out His purpose for their lives. The truth and love of Jesus have transformed us, and our desire is for others in Madison to experience the same.
Just as we began as a small church plant, our hope is to be able to plant many new churches in university cities in Wisconsin and beyond.
Just as we began as a small church plant, our hope is to be able to plant many new churches in university cities in Wisconsin and beyond.