What is a Small Group?
Small groups are the life of our church and critical to our growth as individuals. God designed us to be relational beings that mutually strengthen, love, encourage, and depend on one another. Even the most independent among us need true friends to do life with.
Groups meet weekly for around two hours. Most groups begin with a time of food and socializing, followed by a Bible discussion focused on life application. If you’re visiting a small group, you’ll find that you can participate in the discussion as much or as little as you’d like, regardless of how familiar you are with the Bible. Groups typically end the evening by taking time to pray together and for one another.
To get connected in a small group, meet one of our group leaders at a Sunday service or reach out to them via email for more information.
Groups meet weekly for around two hours. Most groups begin with a time of food and socializing, followed by a Bible discussion focused on life application. If you’re visiting a small group, you’ll find that you can participate in the discussion as much or as little as you’d like, regardless of how familiar you are with the Bible. Groups typically end the evening by taking time to pray together and for one another.
To get connected in a small group, meet one of our group leaders at a Sunday service or reach out to them via email for more information.
Mitch Jordan
Sun Prairie
Grad Students, Young Professionals, Young Married, Singles
Time: 7-9 pm
Time: 7-9 pm

Michael Gregory
Cross Plains
Married, Singles, Multi-Generational, Internationals
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm
Time: 6:30-8:30 pm